🖼️Get a User's Items
Get a user's items
Returns an array of items
You can add additional query parameters to filter documents by any property. i.e. ?name=Majd
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
address* | String | The user's address |
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
perPage | Integer | The number of items to return (default: 24) |
page | Integer | The offset for returned items. Calculated as (page - 1) * perPage (default: 1) |
sortBy | String | The field to sort the items by (any field in the item model may be used) (default: mintDate) |
sortDir | String | Choose to sort in ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order (default: desc) |
includeListed | Boolean | If the user's listed NFTs should be included (listed NFTs are still owned by the user, however on the blockchain they are held by a marketplace smart contract) (default: true) |
slim | Boolean | Returns a more condensed version of the items. Limits the item fields to: name, properties, tokenId, collectionAddress, supply, maxSupply, image, imageUrl, imageIndex, and imageCount (default: false) |
The user's balance for each item is returned as userBalance.
If includeListed=true, userBalance
will be the sum of the user's balance and their listings of that item
Last updated