💠Bulk Transfer ERC1155

Bulk transfer: transferring several ERC1155 token from the same collection

This endpoint can only be used to transfer several ERC1155 tokens from the same collection to a single recipient.

Transfers several ERC1155 tokens of a particular collection from your developer wallet to a user

POST https://api.alturanft.com/api/v2/item/transfer

Takes a collection address, array of tokenIds, array of amounts, the recipient's address (to), and your API key and transfers the ERC1155 tokensto the recipient

Query Parameters

Request Body

    // Response

The TOKEN_IDS and AMOUNTS the array should correspond via their index.

For example TOKEN_IDS = [1, 2, 3] and AMOUNTS = [1, 1, 2] will transfer one item of tokenId 1, one item of tokenId 2 and 2 items of tokenId 3

Last updated